My quest for Korea:

As a member of the US Paralympics Archery World Championship team, I was the first visually impaired archer to represent the United States in international competition in Cheongju, Korea, October 1 through 10, 2007. 

Janice with silver medal around her neck.  She is wearing a navy jacket with the US archery logo. She is holding her 3rd place qualifying award, and her bow is leaning at her side.


Thanks to the support of so many people, I had the opportunity to experience the chance of a lifetime.  I finished in 3rd place in the FITA competition, breaking five women’s world records.  I was thrilled to then make it to the gold medal round, winning the silver medal and ranking second overall in the world. 

I’m so glad I took the time to keep a journal while I was there and post it on the internet for family and friends to keep up with the events as they happened.  I never would have remembered most of the things that happened and it is great to relive the experience every once in a while.  Please feel free to read it by clicking the link below.

World Championships Journal 



Fund raising support:

I was so fortunate to have so many people supporting me with their generous donations of time and funding, helping me achieve my quest to compete in Korea.  Click on the link below to read the list of individuals, clubs and companies who supported me.

Supporter List



Sure Lock logo

Hoyt logo



Carbon Tech logo

Levin Industries logo



Quest For Korea Raffle:

I would like to thank all the archers, archery families and friends who supported me by buying raffle tickets at club shoots, tournaments and online. I am truly overwhelmed by your generosity.

I would also like to thank Carbon Tech, Hoyt, Leven Industries and Sure-Loc for donating the very generous raffle prizes.  

Please click on the link below to see a list and some pictures of the winners.

Raffle winners